Church, Bloemfontein, NCMI, Fellowship, Gateway, Worship, scripture, love, hope, faith, knowing Jesus and making Him known
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GATEWAY FELLOWSHIP is a local church family in Bloemfontein passionate about the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Our heart’s desire is to know Jesus more and to make Him known to our city, region, nation and the nations of the world.


Gateway is an ordinary community of believers filled with hope, peace and joy knowing that we are deeply loved, richly blessed and highly favoured by our heavenly Father and that we get to live in the freedom and truth of who Jesus Christ is and in the fullness of His victory over sin, death and sickness through His sacrifice for us on the cross, His death and resurrection.


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He came to earth, was conceived of the virgin Mary and healed many who were afflicted with diseases, sin and by the devil. He was eventually crucified on a cross but rose again to life on the third day after his death. Through His death and resurrection, He took the sin of mankind upon Himself; paid the price for sin on behalf of mankind; broke the power of Satan over mankind; and reconciled God and mankind so that all of us – regardless of culture and background – may know God personally. Jesus opened the way for man to live eternally in God.

The Bible

We believe that the Christian Bible is inspired by God and infallible. It is to be used to set all matters of doctrine and life for us today – as individuals and together as the Church.

The Trinity

God is one but in three persons. This doctrine is a mystery but is nevertheless true. We believe in God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, who are all one God.

Humanity's Fall

We believe that mankind chose to go its own way and be out of relationship with God (Genesis 1:26,26; 3:1,24). This ‘fall’ resulted in sin and death entering the world. (Romans 5). Because God must uphold justice, He must judge all of us for our own sins. But because God is also love, He has reconciled mankind to Himself through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Anyone who puts their trust (faith) in Jesus is judged as righteous and no longer as sinful. Those that reject God’s offer to be judged as righteous in Jesus, however, will face eternal destruction.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit – God Himself – lives in every Christian from the moment they put their faith in Jesus. We also believe that the Holy Spirit empowers Christians through giving numerous gifts to continue the work of Jesus in this world, which in the Bible is called ‘The Kingdom’.


We believe that all Christians, once they put their faith in Jesus, should be baptised in water (full immersion) as a statement to others, themselves and even Satan that they are now ‘within Christ’ and therefore no longer ‘in sin’ and death. (Romans 6.)


Jesus Christ instructed His followers to always remember Him through the breaking of bread. We call this ‘communion’ and regularly obey this ordinance in our meetings.

Apostolic Christianity

Jesus Christ commanded that His Church go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28). This instruction is encapsulated in the word ‘apostolic’. We are a Church that works not only into our city but also into many nations of the world. We firmly believe that this is a core part of how Christianity should be lived out. This is why we also partner with New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI), a trans-local ministry team that works into many nations. Read more about our relationship with NCMI here.

One Universal Church

The Church of Jesus Christ has a multitude of expressions but is nevertheless still one church as the Church is anyone who has a relationship with Jesus. This means we do not see ourselves in any exclusive way. The purpose of the Church is to further Jesus’ Kingdom by living as Jesus lived and making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28), who will then also live as Jesus lived and make disciples, and so it continues.


That the miracles as recorded in the Bible were real miracles, and are possible in the present day. John 14:12 and 1 Cor 12:10.


Gateway Fellowship began in February 2015 when Pieter and Odelle Calitz, and at that time Zoe Hope answered the call to plant a church in Bloemfontein. In the years following Joshua and Amy Grace were born. Pieter and Odelle and their children (Zoe; Joshua and Amy Grace), love Jesus Christ and His people, and have dedicated their lives to know Jesus and to make Him known.


Pieter and Joshua are huge Cheetahs and Knights supporters; and Odelle, Zoe and Amy Grace love to bake; paint and do gardening.


Gateway Fellowship is in partnership with, and is accountable to New Covenant Ministries International (Link – https://www.ncmi.net/)

Church name: Gateway Fellowship:

  • Genesis 28:17 – He (Jacob) was afraid and said, how fearful and awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the GATEWAY to heaven! (Amplified).